Jesus The Musical and more
Jesus – The Musical and more
Jesus – The Musical and more
It’s the weekend, so it’s time for the near-weekly roundup of the stimulating and the stupid on the Interweb.
“Intellectual infancy”: the phrase reminds one that religions survive mainly because they brainwash the young. Three-quarters of Church of England schools are primary schools; all the faiths currently jostling for our tax money to run their “faith-based” schools know that if they do not proselytise intellectually defenceless three and four-year-olds, their grip will eventually loosen.
AC Grayling
As if to prove my point in an earlier post about religion and what a stink it always kicks up, AC Grayling’s excellent piece on the Guardian’s Comment is free blog has attracted much comment. Grayling tackles the oft-used criticism levelled at atheists of being fundamentalists akin to the kind that blow up restaurants, a barking mad angry bunch who would have religion wiped off the face of the Earth and replace it with some kind of Stalinist hell. Henry444 comments “Excellent article AC, but you’re wasting your time – I don’t think that it’s possible to have a rational discussion about these things with religous types.” – quite true maybe, but 135 more people still have a go.
Speaking of discussion, we are looking to further develop fora for discussion on this website (thank you Mark for your e-mail), and would appreciate any suggestions you have – see our poll!
Jesus Christ stars in possibly the shortest musical yet…
Other Internet highlights include a mind-bogglingly detailed timeline of evolution, a truly beautiful picture of Earth, and a new competitor for BBC News.